C&C – Changes and Chances

Change and Chances
Logo C&C

C&C is an organization realizing professional educational programs and trainings with creative media as a tool to develop life skills. We work with people at the edge of society. We see non-formal learning as a strong tool to develop these skills. We operate at the intersection of art, education and society. In most of our trainings developing employability skills is an important element. We use the arts to develop soft skills such as active listening, communication, reflective thinking, collaboration, flexibility, critical thinking, etc.

Project Team

Ed Santman
Ed Santman
Rotterdam, 23-02-1955

After his education at the “Willem de Kooning” Academy for fine Arts in Rotterdam, Ed worked as a painter, soon he also became involved in teaching. He has taught many art classes, some of them at art colleges, many in other settings, but hardly ever in formal school settings.
Ed became involved in working with underprivileged groups when he started teaching art classes in prisons, he also worked on projects with theater and music in prisons.
From 2010 he coordinated art education in all Dutch prisons. Through his work as a coordinator, he became involved in several European Projects such as PAN (Prison Arts Network), PEETA (Personal Effectiveness and Employability skills Through the Arts), Primedia (Prison and Media) and PICP (Partners In Crime Prevention) and others.
In 2016 Ed founded “Changes & Chances”. This NGO develops tools for people at the edge of society such as homeless people, drug abusers, refugees, young at risk. Also, today a lot of projects are aiming at inmates and ex-offenders, in many projects the arts are used as a mean to develop soft skills.