Berbiquí was born in 2013 with the purpose of giving access to specialised and quality artistic training to people with all kinds of abilities.

Project Details

Activity, Art and Social

  • Activity : Audiovisual productions, Action of inclusive business models based on social economy, Different generations weaving and embroidering stories
  • Artistic product : Performance, Dress design, Artistic installations
  • Technical product : Video corto
  • Executive product : Production, Publishing, Marketing, Graphic design

We understand ART as a universal and ACCESSIBLE language for everyone. That is why in Berbiquí we focus on the capabilities and not on the limitations of people who want to access art, adapting our activities and training to the individual needs of each person.

We are currently developing a joint work with the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Burgos (EASD Burgos). First, with their illustrators for the creation and printing of fabrics with the drawings and illustrations of the students of berbiquí. And currently, working with fashion designers to create and make garments with these fabrics, which will be presented on a catwalk.

Soon, an event will take place at the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos called “I am also an artist”, in which a guide with the same name will be presented, and a fashion show with all the designs will also take place.

The partners of this project are: Agrupamento de Escolas Vilela (Portugal), a formal education center that uses art as the central axis of the programming of transition to adult life with their students with Autism Spectrum Disorder; EASD Burgos, a formal art education center to which our young people have access thanks to the inclusive projects we carry out with this entity; and Co-Action (France), a cooperative that supports social and solidarity economy initiatives.

This project is funded by the Museum of Human Evolution and INJUVE within the Erasmus Plus program.

“Drawing our voices” begins in June 2021 and will end in November 2022.

Services Offered to the Artist

    • Services Offered : Location, Meals, Network

In Berbiquí we understand artistic learning as an open, changing and constantly evolving process, so one of our priorities is multidisciplinarity.

We give our students the opportunity to find their own artistic identity, guiding and accompanying them in learning through different disciplines and techniques. This is also the reason why we work from a contemporary approach, an approach open to experimentation and a commitment to new artistic proposals that allow personal and artistic development.

One of the main goals that Berbiquí pursues is to provide people, regardless of their abilities, an active role in society; for this, social and labor insertion is essential. To achieve this goal, many of our training courses are focused on professionalization through the teaching of techniques and disciplines that open doors in the art labor market.