Spazio Ipotetico aims to create spaces that allow for a rethinking of the meeting of two concepts generally associated only with rehabilitation or therapeutic purposes: art and disability. The association wants to offer itself as a space in which every person – regardless of the classification or diagnosis assigned to them – can encounter the pleasure and beauty of art, and express themselves through a free creative process, i.e. free from any functionalist, productive or rehabilitative logic.

Project Details

Activity, Art and Social

  • Activity : Adapted circus, Creative residence, Workshop
  • Artistic product : Circus theatre, Company artist space ipotetico
  • Technical product : Graphic design, Scenography

Circus Aut Out is a new experimental project that generates an encounter between the Circus and autism aimed at a target audience of children and adolescents aged 6 to 20. The project takes its name “Circus Aut Out” from a play on words between Aut as in Autism and Out, which has the meaning of out, marginalised, outmoded.

Services Offered to the Artist

Workshop, Theatrical reviews, Chapiteau space, Light service audio